You send me your request , together with all information in detail regarding your Italian ancestors. If you have information regarding several individuals, send a family tree chart to me. If you are not comfortable with genealogy software, you can download a form , fill it and send it by scan image. Please, describe also very well your aim.

  1. I answer to you with my estimates and opinion. For onsite researches, I prepare an agreement, to be signed by both of us.
  2. After your acceptance, I ask forĀ  the deposit and I begin to work.
  3. I do the research, keeping you posted constantly on its progressing, within the agreed budget.
  4. Once the results are ready or once we stop the research, I will ask for the balance.
  5. After your balance, I send the results to you.

Please, include in your email your full address and your phone and/or skype username, if you are available to be contacted.